The Sweet Evil Trilogy is one of the many YA books that I adore. I find it is a great book for teenagers to relate to. Teenage life is all about boys, parties, and either giving in to peer pressure or not; all the While giving the readers a coming of age story with a supernatural drama twist.
Wendy Higgins gives us a fresh new look on the angel vs demon fight. The story is ultimately about the Nephilim children and the struggles they face being whom and what they are.
The story starts off with Anna Whitt; she is the perfect image of the good girl next door type. Though she has a secret, Anna was born with the sixth sense to see and feel emotions of other people. On top of all that, being a hormonal teenager just doesn’t help her.
Of course, all stories must have a counterpart love interest and Kaidan Rowe has the perfect Bad Boy persona. He’s the boy your mother warns you to stay away from, the one your father chases out your bedroom window with a shotgun. Boys like him are the reason the Chasity Belt was created in the first place. While Kaiden is all that and more, he has unexpected hidden depths that Anna cannot help but love.
This Trilogy has been completed so if you have yet to read it I recommend you do as soon as you can! You can find the Sweet Evil Trilogy
at Amazon.
I rate this book as: Infatuation – You would read this story every chance you
Rated: 5/5 Stars
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