Thursday, May 10, 2018

Snow Rises (Angels of Shadows, #1) by Larisa Long

Fearless. Soulless. Good. Evil. Angel. Demon. Warlock. Reaper.

I’ve met them all, but what am I?

My name’s Cassandra (Caz). At least that’s the name I’m going by this month. I’ve just aged out of the foster care system. I have no money. No memories. No future. No past. I was chased by an angel and a reaper who said I belong to them - they have my soul. I thought I was crazy until a demon and a warlock captured me and claimed I’m one of them. They say I don’t need a soul. I thought I was fearless. Didn’t know I was soulless. Now, I’m caught in the middle of an ancient war between good and evil, angels and demons, and both sides believe I was promised to them long ago. Am I even human? I don’t know who to trust. I don’t even know if I can trust myself

** This is a Reverse Harem Story. **

My Review:
Normally I could get behind a story like this one, with angles, demons, reapers, and warlocks. However, this one fell flat for me. I just couldn't get into it. I feel like she started the story in the middle and I am missing something. I understand that this is a mystery suspense, but I just could not get into the characters. I stopped reading it after 43%, maybe I will try again at another time and see if maybe it was my state of mind that kept me from being pulled in.
Rated: 2/5 Stars

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